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IRS NSW AGM & Patron's Lunch

  • 17 December 2021
  • 12:30 PM
  • Strangers' Room at Parliament House


  • Fully Financial Members only
    Guests must be members

Announcing the 2021 AGM & Patron's Lunch

Friday 17th December

2021 AGM - 12.30pm

Important information for members: the irs nsw AGM will commence at 12.30pm Friday 17th December 2021, and information for members about the AGM will be available at irsnsw committee reports page on this site.  As this is a members only page, members will need to login to access this material.


The lunch will feature the society's Patron (The Hon Lance Wright QC) in conversation with Russell Lansbury Emeritus Professor, Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies, University of Sydney Business School.

The conversation at the Patron’s lunch will ask Russell to reflect on how his life history and experience has influenced and informed his professional and academic work, how that work has practical relevance to workplace practice and what he considers are likely to be appropriate future developments in employment and industrial relations and regulation in Australia.

Russell is a past President of the IRS of NSW, ALERA and ILERA. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2009 and an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in 2018

Russell is an internationally regarded expert in industrial relations and is the author of many publications in these fields.

After graduating from the University of Melbourne, he gained a PhD from the London School of Economics, on a fellowship with British Airways. He has worked with the ILO, the Swedish Institute for Worklife Research and been a Senior Fulbright Fellow at Harvard and MIT. He established an international network which has assisted his colleagues and students in their careers.

Prior to coming to the University of Sydney in 1987 as Professor of Industrial Relations, Russell held senior positions at Monash and Macquarie universities. During his time at Sydney University, he was the foundation Director of the Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training (ACIRRT). He built and consolidated the Department of Industrial Relations (later renamed the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies - WOS) into a pre-eminent department or discipline in Australia and internationally, as it remains today. For a decade, Russell was joint editor of the Journal of Industrial Relations with Ron Callus and then Bradon Ellem.

Earlier this year, Russell published his latest book Crossing Boundaries: Work and Industrial Relations in Perspective, a blend of memoir and reflections on developments in work and industrial relations. One of the eminent international reviewers of the book has observed “ [H]e has had an immense impact internationally and especially in Australia and New Zealand in shaping understandings of work and industrial relations” and adds:

“While Russell had considerable success in the early decades of his working life, the many years in Sydney … have created a lasting legacy. There are many top Australian academics who have been part of Russell’s ‘team’ in Sydney and he has influenced many more, in and beyond Australia. Besides these achievements, the book records an impressive variety of activities including involvement in research projects, development of research institutes, serving in academic leadership roles, and tripartite Australian and international research and representative endeavours.”


If you are not able to pay online at the time of booking and need to pay by EFT your reservation cannot be confirmed until a copy of your payment receipt has been sent to

Places are limited so please book early. - Bookings will close  8th December

Members who book for the AGM only should note that lunch is not included in this option.

Covid restrictions are in place at this event and all attendees must pre-book. Please bring your own Mask

Entry to Parliament House is via the security gatehouse on Macquarie Street. Upon entry to security gatehouse, in addition to usual security screening processes, all visitors will need to check in via a QR Code via Service NSW app. 

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ABN Industrial Relations Society NSW 40 585 849 687


TEL: +61 420 768 736





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