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Code of Conduct

Industrial Relations Society of NSW (IRSNSW) - MENTORING PROGRAM

Code of Conduct

In applying for and being a participant in the Mentoring Program (the program), the following Code of Conduct provisions are to be adhered to at all times. Breaches may lead to removal from the program.

  1. Mentees and mentors are to engage in open and honest communications to support their participation in the program.
  2. Participants must enter into the mentoring relationship with a commitment to assist each other to develop and learn in an environment that will support honesty, fairness and respect. The mentor will provide suitable opportunities and time to share ideas, knowledge and experiences with their appointed mentee.
  3. Mentees are responsible for initial contact when paired with their mentor. This should occur as soon as possible after receiving their mentor’s contact details.
  4. Both the mentee and the mentor understand there is a minimum time commitment to engage in the program to make it worthwhile – this time commitment will be agreed by both parties at their first meeting.
  5. During Covid-19 restrictions, the mentoring relationship will be conducted remotely using available technology*. It is the responsibility of both the mentor and the mentee to ensure they can access appropriate technology.
  6. During the mentoring relationship, both parties are expected to comply with the minimum standards of conduct that apply to the parties respective workplaces. If a party to the mentoring relationship is not employed or engaged in a workplace, the minimum standards will be taken to include:
    • Mentors and mentees must behave towards each other in a professional and respectful manner regardless of whether such interactions are online, verbal or in person.
  7. If a mentee or mentor becomes concerned with the conduct of the other party, they have the option of discussing this with them, or alternatively raising it with their appointed IRSNSW contact. Please keep in mind that the timely reporting of such concerns often leads to issues being quickly resolved.
  8. Mentees and mentors must ensure that any use of technology, including any communications with the other party, is consistent with any standards of use set by each participant’s workplace. Accordingly, participants must presume that any use of technology, or physical visits to the other’s workplace will involve surveillance, and as such, their participation in this program includes their permission and consent pursuant to the Workplace Surveillance Act NSW 2005.
  9. Participants are to treat any information gained while engaging in the program as confidential. If a participant feels unable to uphold this requirement, due to legal implications or discovery of sensitive information, they to contact their appointed IRSNSW contact immediately.
  10. If issues arise which mean that either the mentor or the mentee is no longer able to complete the planned program through to its conclusion, they must notify their IRSNSW contact and the other party as soon as possible. Participants wishing to withdraw from the program are required to submit their withdrawal in writing to the IRSNSW.
  11. Mentors are not to use the program to entice, hire or otherwise engage the mentor away from their current employment.
  12. Mentees can only have one mentor from the program at any one time.

* If physical meetings become available, this will involve inherent risks associated with travelling to and from meetings. IRSNSW will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss), expense, damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person's negligence) in connection with the program, except for any liability that cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).

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Industrial Relations Society of New South Wales Incorporated
INC9877445 Copyright 2024

ABN Industrial Relations Society NSW 40 585 849 687


TEL: +61 420 768 736





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