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Mentoring Program

Your New IRSNSW Mentoring Program

WHat is it?

The IRSNSW Mentoring Program provides an opportunity for people with extensive experience in the field of industrial relations (or a related area such as human resources or employment law) to mentor people who:

  • want to commence a career in industrial relations;
  • are in the early stages of their career in industrial relations;
  • would like to transition into a different area within the field of industrial relations; or
  • are looking to re-enter the workforce or increase their participation in the workforce in the field of industrial relations.


Mentors and Mentees

Both mentors and mentees must be members of the Industrial Relations Society of New South Wales (IRSNSW).

We are looking for mentors from highly experienced people across the range of sectors in the industrial relations field including academics, government, unions, employer associations, lawyers, and consultants.

Mentees may be, for example:

  • undergraduate students;
  • post-graduate students with limited IR work experience;
  • recent graduates;
  • people within the first five years of their career;
  • people looking to transition from one area of work to another, such as from a law firm to an inhouse role, or from working as an associate in the FWC to becoming a union official; or
  • parents returning from work after a career break or looking to increase their hours of work.

Length of Program

The Mentoring Program will run for 4 months in mid-to-late 2023.

Mentors and mentees are free to agree to extend the timeframe beyond the formal IRSNSW mentoring program.

Connecting mentors and mentees

People wishing to become mentors must register. 

The list of registered mentors will be available to view online.

People wishing to become mentees must also register and indicate which mentor they would like to be mentored by.

IRSNSW will review the completed form and the mentee’s preferred potential mentor and then provide the mentee with the contact details of a potential mentor. On review of the mentee’s form the IRSNSW may consider that a better match for the mentee is someone other than a person in whom they had expressed interest. In that case the IRSNSW may suggest an alternative mentor.

Once mentor and mentee have been matched and have completed the training, they will need to sign and submit a copy of the Mentoring Agreement, a copy of which is available on Mentoring Agreement tab

Training and support

Once they have been accepted into the program, mentors and mentees can opt-in to online training provided through ‘The Art of Mentoring’. It is highly encouraged to complete this training prior to entering into a formal mentoring agreement.

IRSNSW will check-in the with participants, by email, survey and/or phone call through the process. The purpose of the check-in is to ensure that the mentee is benefiting from the arrangement, that the mentor continues to have the time available to dedicate to the program and to check that they are on track to meet the goals they set.


A launch and networking event for the program will be held in July. Mentors and mentees are highly encouraged to attend and participate.

At this event, mentors and mentees will agree between themselves, and make a commitment to each other, about how they will work together including goal setting and frequency of meeting. A document recording that agreement and signed by the participants will be provided to IRSNSW.

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Industrial Relations Society of New South Wales Incorporated
INC9877445 Copyright 2024

ABN Industrial Relations Society NSW 40 585 849 687


TEL: +61 420 768 736





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