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Life Membership Policy


Part 2, clause 2 of the Industrial Relations Society of NSW Constitution (2021) contemplates that a person can be appointed as an honorary life member of the Society if they have rendered distinguished service to the Society.

Life membership may be conferred on a person who has rendered distinguished or special service to the Society. The criteria for life membership are set out in this Policy.

Persons may hold roles of limited tenure and yet perform outstanding meritorious service during their term of membership. Under these circumstances other criteria should be used to determine whether the person is deserving of nomination for life membership. Such criteria will relate to the service performed by the person to industrial relations in NSW.

Criteria for Life Membership

The following criteria may be used to determine the suitability of a person for nomination for life membership of the Society. While it is not necessary for all the criteria to be satisfied, consistent with the Constitution, the person must meet at least the first criterion:

1.      Service to the Society, including but not limited to building the membership or profile of the Society, contributing to Society events, demonstrating leadership within the Society.

2.      Service to the field of industrial relations in NSW and Australia within one or more areas of practice, including but not limited to policy, regulation, employer or business practice, unions, academia or employment and industrial law.

3.      Mentoring and sponsoring of young and early career industrial relations students or professionals.

Procedure for Awarding of Life Membership

Any financial member of the Society may nominate a person for life membership.

Nomination for life membership must be made in writing addressing the selection criteria and any additional considerations, no later than 12 weeks prior to the Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The nomination must be seconded by another financial member.

A subcommittee comprised of three Committee members will consider nominations, having regard to the selection criteria and additional considerations below.

Following consideration, the subcommittee will make recommendations to the Committee for decision.

Life membership will be awarded to a nominee/s recommended by the subcommittee, if at least two thirds of the Committee agree.

A maximum of two life memberships may be presented in any one year.

Additional considerations which the subcommittee may take into account.

The subcommittee may take diversity and inclusion into consideration in recommending life membership.  

Privileges of Life Membership

On award of life membership, a life member becomes a permanent member of the Society and is entitled: to access to events and resources available through the Society, consistent with members and voting rights, including at the AGM, consistent with members.

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Industrial Relations Society of New South Wales Incorporated
INC9877445 Copyright 2024

ABN Industrial Relations Society NSW 40 585 849 687


TEL: +61 420 768 736





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